日前,中科大-耶鲁高可信软件联合研究中心梁红瑾、冯新宇和付明的论文A Rely-Guarantee-Based Simulation for Verifying Concurrent Program Transformations被第39届 ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages(简称POPL)录用。这是联合研究中心的研究迈入国际一流水平的里程碑。此前,中国大陆无任何单位以第一作者单位的身份在POPL上发表过论文。梁红瑾等的论文的发表,将使得122cc太阳集成游戏成为大陆第一个以第一单位在POPL上发表论文的高校和科研院所,真正实现了“零的突破”。
梁红瑾等的论文提出了一种验证并发程序变换的一般方法,首次将并发程序逻辑中的依赖-保证条件(rely-guarantee conditions)引入到传统的程序模拟关系(simulation)中,成功地解决了对验证提供模块化支持的难题,并且将这种方法应用于编译优化、并发数据结构的实现和并发垃圾收集等算法的正确性验证。审稿人对论文的贡献给予了充分肯定,他们分别指出“I found this to be a compelling paper. Combining simulation techniques with rely-guarantee reasoning seems like a good idea, and I haven’t seen this elsewhere … This work would provide a nice unifying theory for concurrent program transformations”,“I like this paper … Refinement in a concurrent setting is very challenging and this paper makes a good step into that field”,“A logic that can support both the runtime system verification and the compiler verification simultaneously would be very useful. This paper presents such a logic, and it looks like a very general and natural approach…”。